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Atma Sadhana 10 Days Workshop in Lumbini Nepal

10 Days Atma sadhana workshop in Lumbini,Nepal

Yoga workshop in Lumbini,Nepal

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Himalayan Babaji Retreats is the authentic space to learn & experience the traditional & deepest dimensions of knowledge to understand the true potentiality of being human .... Lots of people , around the world participate in our retreats, workshop & programmes to rediscover themselves in various aspects of life to learn & adapt the lifestyle of being human by following certain cosmic disciplines or actions .

Since , the truth about 21st century , people are now becoming more sick towards their senses & don't know , what to do & what not to do . They are living their life , as it is granted for 1000 years .We provide an opportunity for all age groups of people to participate in our 10- Days Atma sadhana workshop .By joining the workshop , participants can learn the purpose of being human .

You will learn , to lead your life peacefully , rather getting distracted by senses of actions or perceptions & you will get the opportunity to explore your true identity & reality .

What is Atma sadhana?

Atma sadhana is the stepping stone towards wandering the infinite realities & dimensions of your true self .

In our habitual life , we never had the opportunity to know our precise reality of being human . We never got the chance to express ourselves to the fullest extent . We have been taught to just go with our sensual pleasures & interference for onself , which is the refelction of being egocentrism . After all this chain of foolish process , we eventually experience the agony . So , Atma sadhana is the best path to understand who you really are ?

Atma sadhana for (For teenagers)

The darkest truth behind the destruction of humanity is our education system .

Our education teaches us only , how to make money , whether you have to cheat or even kill other's emotion but don't fail to make money . Whereas, true knowledge of wisdom awakens one's intellectuality , by self - enquiring , what is the purpose of being human? & how to lead our journey towards inner prosperity ?

This is the best chance for the teenagers to learn & experience the glimpse of true wisdom knowledge , so one can open up to lead the life of prosperity .

One can also learn , how to balance senses , therefore teenagers can re-discover the higher human prospects & distinction .

Welfare of workshop (Youngsters)

  • You can incline in your inner skills & become expertise.
  • You can learn how to nurture yourself physically & congnitively healthy
  • One can have a good progress by attaining good marks & scholarship in your education system .
  • You can also acquire extensive mind framework to create the equanimity between the material & inner world .
  • Atma sadhana for (For Adults)

    Grown-up peoples are totally conditioned by the society , family , friends & education apparatus.So , this workshop is 180° for their life journey to reprogramme the conditioning of mind .So , One can access real inner identity & how to express tranquility , pleasure & fondness with regards to other people &to reveal them , the truth of existent human being in the society .

    Welfare of Atma - sadhana workshop (Adults)

  • One can become physically & pshycically hale.
  • One can get the lucidity to adapt social & self discipline .
  • Adults can become more sensible to cherish themselves physically .

  • Welfare of Atma - sadhana workshop (Adults)

  • One can become physically & pshycically hale.
  • One can get the lucidity to live the life in tranquility.
  • Elders can become more sensible to cherish themselves physically & congnitively .
  • What are the payirchigal (practices) , we provide in our workshop ? Ceremony - yagna sadhana

    Atma sadhana workshop starts with holistic yagna (fire ceremony) to burn the animal instincts and purify the thoughts & emotions .

    Meditation / Dhyana Sadhana

    It is the state of practice leading you towards self-discovery and reprogramme one's consciousness to explore the infinite within .

    Prana sadhana

    The practices of breathing helps one to turn the dual mind with concern to the basic mind .

    Traditional breathing methodology to cure physical & conginitive ailments .

    Yoga Tattuvam - philosophy

    Disclosure of the science behind the yoga gyanam.


    Disclosure of truth in different life aspects stated by self - realised individual .

    Mantra sadhana

  • Explanation about mantra chanting ?
  • What is the key role of mantras to awaken inner tranquility ?
  • How to balance the chakras (energy centers) through mantra ?
  • Awakening the chakras through different sound frequencies .
  • Yogasanam

    Performing different body postures helps to open - up the functions of naadis .

    Bhakti yoga sadhana / Kirtan & bhajan

    Performing dance & music to trigger the devotion for encountering the divine.

    Dhwani sadhana Sound healing

    Using various traditional tools to activate certain frequencies of the mind helps to awaken the infinite consciousness within.


    Visit to some spiritual places to connect with the aspect of bhakti-yoga sadhana.

    Why to choose Himalayan Babaji Retreats / Atma sadhana workshop ?

    The objective of our workshop is to help the people to grow an awareness to attain everlasting peace , happiness & love which can be only accomplished by coming out of the ego (false conditioning) , eliminating the animal qualities & realising human specialties to explore the infinite (intuition) within .

    Benefits of joining our Atma sadhana workshop

  • *By joining our workshop , participant or seeker will get clarity about the aspect of self awakening & how it helps an individual to lead the journey of life by creating a balance between spiritual & materialistic world .
  • *A seeker or participant , will get the awareness of being healthy from mind & body .
  • *One can get rid of bad health & mental issues ..
  • *By learning the art of expressing your true self, men & women can achieve longer life span , tranquility , more beautiful & good looking.
  • *Seekers can learn , how to get rid of negative energies & karmic imprints , which will help them to attain salvation or liberation .


    Terms & Conditions

    These terms & conditions apply to the Root to Rise - Atma-sadhana-10-days-workshop hosted by Himalayan Babaji Retreats

    1. Booking

    1.1 By booking your accommodation through himalayanbabajiretreats.com, the participant agrees to the following conditions.

    2. Participation

    2.1 - Registration is only final after receipt of full investment. Participation is on a voluntary basis and participants are free to opt-out of the offered retreat. Canceling the retreat does not entitle you to a refund of the payment, nor to a replacement lesson or activity.

    2.2 - Participation in the retreat is only possible after having paid the full 100% of the cost.

    3. Behaviour

    3.1 The organization expects the participants to behave respectfully towards each other and the organization.

    4. Damage

    4.1 Any damage will be the full responsibility of the participant who caused it.

    5. Liability

    5.1 The organization will do its utmost to ensure a safe and orderly environment. However, in the event of accidents or other unforeseen circumstances, the organization is not liable for any damage and/or injuries.

    6. Medical Disclaimers

    6.1 The yoga sessions and activities as offered are intended as a leisure activities and not as a replacement for medically necessary treatments or therapy. Always discuss physical and/or psychological complaints with a qualified doctor.

    6.2 Always report to the teacher whether you have any physical complaints before a yoga class or other activity. The program may be adapted accordingly. Participation is always at your own risk.

    6.3 You hereby declare that you waive any claims against the organization and the staff for any injury and whatever damage you may incur that may be associated with participation in the retreat.

    7. Own risk and liability

    7.1 Participation in the program is at your own risk. The organization is not responsible for damage and/or loss of property of the participant, or for any form of physical injury before, during, or after a Yoga class or activity.

    8. Declaration of Health

    8.1 When booking, the participant is expected to have a good understanding of their own physical and mental health and possible limitations or risks attached to them.

    8.2 In case of physical or mental health issues that could be a cause for concern, please notify the host.

    9. Other payment terms

    9.1 All amounts stated are per person and include VAT.

    9.2 The program is flexible and can be adapted by the organization to the special wishes and needs of the group if necessary.

    9.3 The participant is entirely responsible for always being present in time at the pre-specified times for participation in the program. The possible missing or late arrival of the participant is never a reason for a refund.

    10. Included

    10.1 The prices include participation in the full program and include accommodation, workshops, yoga classes, meals, drinks, and additional activities.

    11. Cancellation Policy

    11.1 In case the participant paid 100% of the cost upfront, up to nine weeks before the retreat 80% of the cost will be refunded.

    11.2 Nine weeks or less before the retreat, a refund is not possible.Registration is transferable if discussed with the host.

    11.3 In the event of insufficient registrations or special circumstances, the organization reserves the right to cancel the retreat. In this case, all payments made will be refunded.

    11.4 Cancellation can only be made in writing or by e-mail, whereby the date of the postmark or date of the e-mail applies as the cancellation date.

    11.5 The participant is fully responsible for the correct and timely receipt of the cancellation.

    12. Insurance

    12.1 The participant is responsible for taking out health, accident and travel insurance.

    13. Transfers

    13.1 It is possible to book (airport/bus station/train station) transfers to and from the Retreat Space through the organization.

    13.2 The costs for this are fully borne by the participant. For budget and environmental purposes, the effort will be made to combine transfers based on arrival times.

    13.3 Upon booking a transfer through the organization, the participant agrees with potential short wait times to limit cost and emission.

    14. Accommodation Rules

    14.1 Smoking and alcohol is not allowed in the accommodation.

    14.2 Room layouts are not allowed to be changed.

    14.3 The participant is responsible for any serious damage done to the property.

    15. Correspondence

    15.1 All correspondence between the organization and the participant takes place through email or WhatsApp to the email address or number provided by the participant when booking.

    15.2 The participant is fully responsible for ensuring receipt of the e-mail.

    15.3 The participant can never invoke an e-mail that has not been received if the organization can demonstrate that it has been sent.

    16. Unforeseen Circumstances

    16.1 In circumstances not covered in these Terms and Conditions, the organization will decide and take into account local law and customs, using reasonableness and fairness.

    17. General claim for personal data

    17.1 Himalayan Babaji Retreats handles your personal data with the utmost care and complies with the laws and regulations in the field of personal data protection, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

    17.2 Himalayan Babaji Retreats processes your data to provide you with the agreed services, answer questions, and send invoices.

    17.3 Himalayan Babaji Retreats saves your data when this is necessary for the realization of the purposes for which we process your data and for no longer than is legally permitted. The ultimate retention period differs per type of personal data. After the retention period, your personal data will be anonymized or deleted.

    17.4 Himalayan Babaji Retreats does not provide or sell any data to third parties. The organization may, however, be required by law or regulation to process your personal data and/or provide it to third parties. For example, when a competent authority such as the tax authorities requests this.

    17.5 The GDPR lays down a number of rights of data subjects. Everyone has the right to view, correct or supplement his or her personal data, to have it deleted, to request a limitation of processing, to have it transferred, and to object to the processing of his or her personal data.

    18. Coronavirus measures

    18.1 During the retreat, any current measures relevant to Portugal will be followed and upheld.

    18.2 If the retreat is canceled due to increased Indian restrictions, the participant will be offered an alternative date or fully refunded.

    18.3 If you are unable to come to the retreat due to restrictions in your own country, a refund cannot be provided. Refer to your cancellation and travel insurance for an (often full) refund.

    18.4 If you do not want to go on the retreat because it feels unsafe, you are not entitled to compensation through the organization. Fear is not a ‘valid’ reason to cancel the trip free of charge.

    18.5 The organization will take all safety measures necessary to ensure a safe and calm space for all participants and staff. Active involvement of participants to ensure this is required.

    In order to participate in the ‘Atma Sadhana Workshop in Lumbini Nepal’, you must agree to these terms and conditions. By booking your accommodation, you declare that you have taken note of and agree to the general terms and conditions.

    Please read the Terms and Conditions thoroughly and carefully check your own information upon booking.